Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The day has finally come....

The day finally came today that we got to meet our son in flesh for the first time!!!! Amazing can't even begin to describe the feelings and emotions that were going on as we walked up to the door and saw him being walked towards us! He took his first steps today and even though we didn't see it hearing that it was today made it feel like we were there! (Thanking God that he waited until we were in the same city!!) Today was full of grunts, giggles, smiles, even some whining, and kisses! Josh got a few kisses and I got many snuggles! We hung out on the swing singing twinkle twinkle for the longest time! He loves music, dancing and any type of ball! 

We have also met two other families who's children are from the same home as Solomon and they both live in Manitoba! How wonderful is that! One of the families even comes to Warman to visit family often, so we will definitely be having play dates! How amazing is God! Two of Solomon's friends have forever homes not too far!

We so look forward to sharing pictures and more details but this will all have to wait until after our court date! Up until then stay tuned for exciting moments, milestones and adventures as first time parents! :) 
Thanks to those of you who are praying for us, thinking of us and praising WITH us! God is so good!

Be Blessed!


  1. Ah, so exciting that he decided to wait to walk until you were so close! Maybe no quite as long as you had hoped but pretty close!

    This post just gives me a huge smile. Can't wait to see more photos of your little guy!

  2. I'm having a hard time holding my tears in check. I especially love that he "loves music, dancing and any kind of ball" :) this post makes it all so real. God IS good!!

  3. Praising God with you- such great news.
