Saturday, July 21, 2012


Today I woke up with my mind dreaming of all sorts of things. Summer can be a dangerous time for me because I tend to have lots of time to think and dream. Today was one of those days. I woke up dreaming about being a mom. Dreaming of names, dreaming of all the items still need to buy, dreaming of what personality our child will have, dreaming of what kind of stroller to get, dreaming of what size of clothes I will need, dreaming of seeing my husband in action as a dad, dreaming of waking up tonight to be able to put my babe back to sleep. Some of these dreams may seem ridiculous to you that are already parents but this is what I long for. I have really been trying to focus my time on enjoying me and Josh together and doing the things that we can do just the 2 of us but there is definitely a part of me that will always dream. Tonight as I was heading to bed (the first you can tell I am not in bed yet...still dreaming) I did a short devotion. In the small blurb it spoke about how we, as woman, can often take on the care taking role and care for many family and friends but we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves. It continued to say that as we continue to forget about ourselves we so often feel like drowning and that God is our strength and He is the one that will help us hang on. I need daily reminders of this as I so often feel like I am just barely hanging on. God is my strength and He is the one I need to rely on...why is it so hard? Dreams are amazing but I often ask God to help me get through them because they also can be so hard. Thanks for reading. Be blessed! Shaeline

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