Thursday, October 11, 2012

Orphan Sunday- November 4

This is an area in my life that I have always been passionate about but even more so over the last 2 1/2 years since Josh and I have been pursuing a family and then through adoption starting 1 1/2 years ago. The reason being is I have learned so much more about this whole crisis of orphans and how we can become advocates for them. 
On November 4 it is Orphan Sunday and I believe it is a day to think about how you can be apart of an orphans life--it may be simply finding a child waiting to be adopted or put into foster care and pray for them or looking into sponsoring a child etc. This is a day to pray for all the orphans world wide to pray for God's love to be shown to them. 
Check out the video at this location, just click on the link below:

I pray so hard that my child, wherever he or she is, will feel that love all the time. Its what we pray for, what we long for and what we look forward to sharing with our child. Please join us in doing this for all the orphans in the world!

"God did not leave us as orphans, He came for us."John 14:18

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