Thursday, January 20, 2011

Photography is a passion!

As you can all tell I am not much of a writer instead I prefer to share my pictures as photography is one of my passions, but I wanted to share just a short post with you without any pictures.
Tomorrow night I am taking my first photography class! I am hoping this will lead me to more success with my photography. It is a passion of mine and I love taking the pictures, editing, and seeing the final project! For those I have taken photo's for I really hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy taking them! In 4 weeks I will have completed my first photography class and would love to practice what I have learned! Please let me know if you would like some pictures taken for any sort of reason at all! I believe that I will learn lots and be able to share more pictures with you! I hope that my pictures improve and that I improve as a photographer! Thanks for reading and I look forward to sharing with you what I learn!

Friday, January 7, 2011

A New Beginning--

Well Happy New Year everyone! 2011 is a new beginning for many new things. I am being more active with learning about my camera--that is one my of my goals for this year!
 I trust everyone had a wonderful holiday filled with laughter and blessings! I had a great holiday although it never seems long enough! I sure jumped right back into work with a full week of extra curricular too! So today this is going to be a short one but wanted to share some of my favorite shots of people in a variety of situations: weddings, birthdays, baptisms, and just getting together with friends or family! I hope you enjoy them!
This first one is a silly picture of my niece whom I love very much! 
Such a cutie--she was being silly here.