It has been another long "break" since I last wrote on my blog and I apologize for that! I do plan on creating certain times per week to take a break, slow down and share about what God has been laying on my heart. I hope to share on a variety of topics that have grown in my heart or have been there all along.
BUT today is a beyond special day for our family! 1 year ago today we met our son (in the flesh) in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. It wasn't our official Gotchya day but we consider today our family day as we celebrate the journey of how we became parents to this beautiful boy. Today in Saskatoon it felt like it was going to snow and my husband and I were reminiscing and remembering how hot it was the day we got to meet our son. We arrived in South Africa a day earlier than expected and so we actually got to meet our son a day early which was an unexpected blessing.
The day of meeting our Solomon Owami:
We woke up a little bit late as we were adjusting to time change and our gracious host at Heaton Cottage allowed us to have a late breakfast. I was so nervous and excited that I hardly had an appetite. We were then told a bit later what time our social worker was coming to pick us up. 3:00pm could not come soon enough. We wandered the grounds, read (at least tried to), chatted about how we were feeling, had some snacks and finally 3 pm arrived and we were on our way. With our camera in hand we took about a 15 minute drive and arrived at the home our son had been raised in for the first 14 months of his life. We got out of the car, walked up to the gate and this is what happened:

And now a year later he is the light of our lives, he makes us smile and laugh daily, he is so gentle, caring, affectionate, warm-hearted, funny, is quite the character and soaks up information like a sponge. He continues to love playing with balls, trucks, cars, airplanes, trains etc. and loves music (play, sing and dance). We are beyond blessed to have this little man as our son and we thank God for choosing us to be his parents daily.
A year later this is our beautiful boy:
(Baptism and Birthday Weekend)
He LOVED camping!!
Thanks for sharing in our ups and downs when we started this journey 3 years ago and we are so excited to share our lives as we continue striving to live the life God is calling us to live.
be blessed.