Monday, December 16, 2013

my story of hope

"Jesus is the reason to celebrate the season..."

This is a song that I grew up listening to and for me it states the true reasons for Christmas.
Jesus is my faith and my hope. Throughout the last 3 years I have had so many ups and downs and my faith has been tested time and time again but there still always seemed to be hope. There is no doubt in my mind that God was in control but I am a human which means that there will be times of doubt. But this time of year always reminds me of the hope that the birth of Jesus brings to all. 

"to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence"
"to place trust, rely"
" to believe or trust"

This is why Christmas is the perfect time to remember why we put our hope in Jesus Christ. He is the only one to place our trust, rely on throughout our whole life, to believe in and to look forward to the day that we get to be with our Savior. No one said it would be easy but it's the only way to live! (in my opinion)

Hope never completely disappeared throughout the last 3 years of our lives but that doesn't mean at times it wasn't small. There was so much to hope for but I needed to remember to keep my hope in God and His Son who continue to be the author of my life.  I have met so many wonderful people throughout our journey and they have been such a blessing to me and such an encouragement as I become a mommy! They helped me to focus on remembering to rely and completely trust in Christ. That. Is. Hope.

I would like to recap our story of hope because just last week on December 10 it was 2 months since we became a forever family! This wouldn't have been the amazing journey it has been without the hope that we have in our Christ!

This was our first day that we met our son- October 3, 2013

He's forever ours- October 10, 2013
(Poor little guy was sick)

Our last day in South Africa- November 18, 2013

Looking at these pictures remind me that hope in Christ is so important to have in my daily life. He hears the prayers and desires of our hearts and He has blessed me beyond measure with our beautiful son!

Another story of hope soon to come...
Be Blessed...

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Some firsts for Solomon

We have been home for almost 3 weeks and Solomon has been transitioning so well! I am loving my days at home and feeling more comfortable to go out and about which has been so great!
Here are some firsts for our son:
1. Meeting many new faces but this one sticks out in my mind. Meeting his cousin that is only a few months older than him! It took a bit of time but I think they were warming up to each other by the end :)

2. Many people have asked about the cold weather and to be honest we have only gone outside to play 3 times, mainly because I don't want to go outside either! He loves to sit in the snow and put his hand in it just like he would with the sand except he has like 3 more layers on so its a bit trickier! He got a bit confused the first time we asked him to go outside as he wasn't sure why we were putting so many layers on him but he sure didn't get cold. 

Even though he wasn't too sure of the snow he loved swinging with Daddy--you wouldn't be able to tell with his facial expression but he did!

3. This was a first for all of us- Last sunday we went and picked out our first christmas tree as a family of 3! It was wonderful and so fun to have our boy along for the ride! 

Our first tree as a family of 3!

4. Decorating his first Christmas tree. Loving the lights, stars and branches! 
"Ba ba ba" translates into "pretty lights"

Putting the star on with daddy and our ornament from SA with mommy.

5. He loves to help daddy with many different things and for the first time Josh got him to help with the dishwasher. He loves it!
He was very curious and very helpful :)

Recently I started writing down some firsts and favourites of Solomon's from the last few months and I just wanted to share is most favourite part of the day! 

Our family has been attaching and connecting well but will continue to take it slow. Our family has been amazing and I love that we have been able to spend lots of time with them and looking forward to more!
 We are also excited to begin to introduce Solomon to many of you and know that you will just fall in love with him like we have! He is one amazing little boy with a fun personality, a great giggle, smile that brightens up any room and two precious words that melt our heart every time he says them- "mama" and "dada".
We love you our precious son and are so thankful for you!
Be Blessed...

Airport welcome...

So, its been almost 3 weeks since we have been home and I just got enough computer space to download some pictures that my amazing friend, Chantel Klassen, captured for us at the airport! I wanted to share some with you and then catch you up on our life as a family of 3 in Canada in my next blog later tonight! :)

I think a glimpse of us...

Here we come with our beautiful baby boy!

Meeting Grandma and Grandpa Wig

Meeting Grandma and Grandpa Stromberg

Meeting Great Grandma Stromberg

Looking at pictures with Auntie Janelle

We are so thankful for our whole family who love and support us through our adoption journey and now as parents! We love all of you!

Sporting his South African roots Canadian style.

Loving the balloons and kids that came out to greet us!

Our little Canadian!

Thanks to everyone who came out and welcomed us! 
Thanks to all of you as well who have been praying for us throughout this time and have supported us unconditionally!
Thanks to Chantel Klassen for the amazing photos! They are beautiful and I am so amazed at all the precious moments you captured!
Be Blessed...